Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us, therefore the purpose of this privacy policy of the website is to inform our users of the processing of personal data carried out by Aryentto (hereinafter, Aryentto). In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, Aryentto guarantees that the data personal of its users will be treated in accordance with the principles of transparency, limitation of purpose, minimization of data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality; complying in any case with the obligations and guarantees derived from the regulations. Precisely for this reason, with the purpose of informing our users of the way in which their data is treated by Aryentto, we have updated our privacy policy adapting it to the new requirements of the Regulation. For this, Aryentto informs you of the following aspects related to your right to the protection of personal data.

Contents index

Who processes your data?

What is personal data and what data is processed by Aryentto?

What is the purpose of the processing of my personal data?

What is the legitimacy for the treatment of my data?

How long is my personal data kept?

Is my data shared with third party recipients?

Are automated decisions made with my personal data?

What are the rights that Aryentto guarantees me regarding the processing of my personal data?

Security and confidentiality measures in the treatment of your personal data.

Change in privacy policy.

protection of personal data


Who processes your personal data?

RAZÓN SOCIAL: Susana Martín Pérez


CIF: 28800348R

DIRECCIÓN POSTAL: C/ Cerrajería, local 7 ,41004, Sevilla (España)

TELÉFONO: 621 05 39 32


What is personal data and what data is processed?

Personal data is considered to be all the information of an identified or identifiable natural person whose identity can be determined, directly or indirectly, by means of an identifier such as name, postal address, email or telephone number, etc. From Aryentto we treat the personal data that users and / or clients provide us for the provision of a commercial service consisting of the distribution and commercialization of materials for the manufacture of headdresses and hats offered by Aryentto . For this reason, we inform you that the main categories of data that are collected by users are identification data and postal and / or electronic addresses, etc. Similarly, we inform you that, based on the principle of data minimization, the treatment that Aryentto makes of your data will be adequate and pertinent, limited to those necessary depending on the purposes for which they are collected. ; and respecting in any case the preferences of the user, as long as they expressly and freely and unequivocally accept the processing of their personal data.

What is the purpose of the processing of my personal data?

At Aryentto we treat the data of users and / or clients for the provision of a commercial service consisting of the distribution and commercialization of materials for the making of headdresses and hats, as well as for other purposes than our own Users authorize us in the terms informed in this Privacy Policy. However, during the validity of the relationship with the user, other personal data may additionally be incorporated for the achievement of this or other purposes; for which the user will be duly informed at the time of collection. The user will be responsible for ensuring that the personal data provided to Aryentto are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date; being responsible for any possible damage that could be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation

What is the legitimacy for the processing of my data?

For the purposes of processing your data, Aryentto informs you that the legitimizing bases for the processing of your data, that is, that it empowers Aryentto to process your data; are as follows:

The provision of a Aryentto marketing service of an optimal nature for the user and / or customer.

The legitimate interest of the user and / or client to be able to provide the service with the highest quality, adapting to the needs of the user and / or client and improving the provision of the services we offer.

The express consent of users and / or clients, by virtue of which they allow us to process the data when the user expressly authorizes it in advance

How long is my personal data kept?

From Aryentto , in compliance with the principle of limitation of the conservation period, we inform you that the personal data collected will be processed solely and exclusively for the time strictly necessary and for the purposes for which they have been collected in each case. Unless mandatory legal provision establishes a longer conservation period for reasons of legal certainty and to attend to the claims of users and / or clients.

Is my data shared with third party recipients?

Aryentto guarantees that, during the duration of the data processing, the personal data of its users will not be transferred or transferred to third parties, unless it is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in the Privacy Policy. However, if the transfer of personal data to third parties is necessary, Aryentto will previously request the express, informed and unequivocal consent of its users. Similarly, personal data will be shared when legally required in compliance with current legal regulations that are applicable for this purpose.

Are automated decisions made with my personal data?

Users are informed that Aryentto will not carry out the application of automated decisions, profiles or logic with the personal data it collects from its customers and / or users. If necessary, automated decisions will be carried out as long as the user has been previously informed of the general or particular conditions thereof.

What are the rights that you guarantee regarding the processing of my personal data?

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on data protection, Aryentto guarantees its users and / or clients the exercise of the following rights regarding the right to the protection of personal data:

Access: any user has the right to obtain confirmation on whether in Aryentto </ b> we are treating the personal data that concerns you or not, and in this case, you have the right to obtain information about whether your personal data is being processed.

Rectification: users have the right to request the rectification of data that is inaccurate or incomplete , as well as to carry out the correction of possible errors that your data contains.

Suppression: the data is allowed to be suppressed and, therefore, no longer processed by Aryentto when the data is not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, unless there is a legal obligation to keep them and / or other reasons prevail that legitimize Aryentto for their treatment. .

Limitation: in certain circumstances, users may request the limitation of the processing of their data, it is In other words, the limitation of the data implies that Aryentto has to paralyze the future processing of your data, in which case, they will only be kept for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Opposition: as in the previous case, users may object to the treatment of their data. As a consequence of this, Aryentto will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Portability: the user has the right to receive their personal data and to be able to transmit it directly to another person in charge .

In accordance with the provisions, if the user has given their consent for a specific purpose, they have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment that is based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. To exercise your rights, you can use the forms provided by Aryentto , or send a letter to Aryentto , at the following postal address C. Cerrajeria, 7, 41004 Sevilla ( Spain); Visibly indicating the specific right that is exercised. You can also send an e-mail to the email address

Security and confidentiality measures in the processing of your personal data

At Aryentto we care about guaranteeing the security, secrecy and confidentiality of the personal data of its users. Therefore, in compliance with current legislation, we undertake to adopt rigorous security measures and adequate technical means to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorized access to your personal data. In this way, the personal data that Aryentto collects by means of communications or contact that it may have with its user, will be treated with absolute confidentiality, committing ourselves to keep them secret and guaranteeing the duty to keep them by adopting all necessary measures and reasonable measures that prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorized treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.

Changes to the privacy policy

Aryentto may update this Privacy Policy at any time, as long as in those cases in which the update involves new data processing or substantial changes to the current one, the user is notified of the changes and updates carried out. . Updating our Privacy Policy, once it is communicated to users, will imply knowledge of it by all users in the terms set out in the new privacy policy.

Personal data protection

Data controller
C/ Cerrajería, local 7 ,41004, Sevilla (España)

Tel: 621 05 39 32

Purpose of the treatment Maintain the established commercial relationship, as well as keeping you informed through electronic commercial communications about our products.
Conservation period Maintain the established commercial relationship, as well as keeping you informed through electronic commercial communications about our products.
Conservation period On the one hand, the accounting and tax information will be KEPT DURING THE DEADLINES required to comply with legal obligations. +34 621 053 932 . In relation to the sending of advertising, we may keep this information and send you advertising as long as you do not object to it.
Legitimation Existence of a contractual relationship, legitimate interest and consent, according to each purpose and possible assignment.
Recipients of the data (assignments or transfers) – The data may be transferred to Aryentto

– The data may be transferred or communicated, where appropriate, to banks to carry out collections or payments, as well as at the request of Public Administrations, Courts or Tribunals.

– The data may be transferred to the other companies of the Group whose activities are related to the purchased product.

DPO / DPD You can contact the Data Protection Officer of Aryentto . or by sending an email to the following address: or by calling Tel: 621 05 39 32
Rights You may exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Portability, Suppression or, where appropriate, Opposition. To exercise the rights, you must submit a letter to the address indicated above. You must specify which of these rights you request to be satisfied and, in turn, must be accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves the representation and identification document of the same.

Likewise, you may exercise your right to personal data protection, filing a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( www.agpd. es ).


Compliance with data protection

In accordance with the provisions of current regulations on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data that you have provided will be incorporated into a file whose responsible is Aryentto . (N IF: 28800348R and registered office – C/ Cerrajería, local 7 ,41004, Sevilla (España) in order to process your request subscription and to be able to periodically send you information of interest, keeping you informed through electronic commercial communications about our products and services.

The legitimacy derives from the existence of a contractual relationship, legitimate interest and consent, according to each purpose and possible assignment.

In accordance with the rights conferred by current data protection regulations, you may exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Portability, Limitation of treatment, Suppression or, where appropriate, Opposition as explained on this page.

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